Sunday, October 27, 2013

Voila, Hand Mask!

As a replacement for my monthly issue of Cosmopolitan and Elle (which I miss dearly), I have Beauty321. Now I must admit the content of the magazine is mostly up in the air as the publication is all in Chinese, but I get the gist of it. Thank goodness for pictures!

Next to being the best picture book that I get each month, the free samples are what really draw me in. The samples range from Bio-Essence Face Lifting Cream to a number of different face masks. But did you know there is a thing called a hand mask?! I swear, Asians come up with the darnedest things.

Upon seeing the cutely decorated package, I knew this was one product that I had to try first. I mean, come on! I've used a number of face masks throughout the years but never have I even seen a hand masks. This definitely intrigued me. And with the amount of times I wash my hands with harsh soap, I needed this.

Okay... here we go. The first thing you notice when you open the package is the overwhelming scent. Quite honestly, I can't even begin to describe the scent. It's not floral, it's not sweet. It's a smell. Pointless statement, I know. So inside the package, you'll find two specifically labeled gloves that are connected by the opening, neatly folded like Asian cloth face masks.

Inside the gloves is thick moisturizer that surrounds your hands thoroughly. You're supposed to keep the gloves on for 15-20 minutes for a full effect. And for this particular hand mask, not only does it moisturize your hands but it also whitens them as well.

You really notice a difference once you remove the gloves. You're more than welcome to massage the rest of the moisturizer in but I found it to be a tad bit sticky so I opted to wash just with cold water. As you can see from the picture, my hands are lighter than before, especially compared to the shade of my forearm. 

I found this to be a very innovative product in the beauty community. As fall greets us with drier weather, it is important to not to neglect our hands. This hand mask is a quick way to fully moisturize your hands while whitening them. It's like a little spa in a glove. 



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