Monday, April 14, 2014

If It's Meant To Be, Then It'll Be

For the past few months, I have been working really hard to make one of my dreams become a reality. However, only those that I live with know exactly what I'm talking about and the extent of what's going on and how far I've come.

No, I'm not one of those people that likes secrets or hiding things from people. I mean, I have a blog and YouTube for God's sake! So keeping this all in has been anything but easy. But in this particular instance, I've come so far to have anything jinx it. And to top it off, I want it so bad that I don't want to take any chances; as much as I want to share everything with the people I love.

But then I got to thinking, I truly believe that our lives are predestined; at least the big things that happen to us are somewhat predestined. Who you will marry, how many kids you'll have, just to name a few. So whether it's a bump in the road to help you get back on your original path (a blessing in disguise), or the sign you needed to give you that last push; these things were all meant to happen.

So if this thing that I'm currently working on is meant to be, destined to happen, telling a few extra people so that I can share this happy experience in my life wouldn't hurt it right?! And if I am the true believer in destined life as I say I am, why would the idea of jinxes stop me from telling people, about anything?

Just like the Chinese tradition, you're not supposed to tell anyone about your pregnancy until you're 3 months pregnant. Otherwise you might scare the baby and it will go away (causing a miscarriage). Come on, what kind of crazy idea is that?! How is telling others about just joyful news scare a fetus away?

Why do we let these crazy superstitions play a role in our lives, even a little one... Could it be that we need excuses and explanations to help justify when things don't go as planned? Because I know for sure when good things happen to us, things that we want to happen, we don't say "This happened because I didn't open my mouth prematurely!" So then why when things go astray, we often times think back on what we could have done wrong. With the following statement usually going like, "I knew I shouldn't have [insert excuse]."

Life is about chances, opportunities, and things that are meant to be. And as comforting as it is to have some sort of explanation, even if it's something you're conjuring up in your mind, to help us get over things that don't pan out. That shouldn't be the same reason we scare ourselves into not sharing. If you have great news that you want to share, share it. If you got a call back and you want to tell all your girlfriends, tell all your girlfriends! And if bad luck struck and whatever you wanted didn't turn out the way you wished, I can guarantee it isn't because you said something to someone.

But to air on the safe side, I'm not telling anyone until I get the official green light. ;)



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