Monday, September 23, 2013

Catch Me if You Can

Running's a pain in the ass... but it sure gives me a nice one!

I'm sure we've all heard that saying before. Whether it's your friends convincing you or you convincing yourself to get your lazy ass out of bed and head to the gym, it definitely been a great motivator for everyone.

So recently I purchased the new Nike Flyknit Lunar1 Running Shoes in the Squadron Blue, Atomic Pink, White color. In case you were wondering, I am in the size 7.5 and they truly fit true to size.

On this particular day, I wasn't even in the market for new running shoes; my Nike Free Runs were still going strong. But let's be honest, what girl is ever not in the market for new shoes?! And I got a 40% off incentive. But that's just between me and my friend. ;) 

I finally busted out these bad boys today and was surprisingly amazed. Of course you get a feel of the shoes when you try them on in stores but it isn't until you utilize them for real do you get the full effect. The first thing you notice about these, besides the fact they are freaking adorable, is how light they feel. Taking those few steps in the store doesn't do it justice. I say that in that once you start to wear these more often, you feel the full effect of the support and comfort that it offers. The Nike Flyknits aren't too narrow or too wide, providing extra comfort for everyone as well.

Though it is marketed as a running shoe, I think these would be perfect for any occasion and activity. It's lightweight and spacious design allows for people with all types of feet to feel comfortable. And now after reading numerous reviews, I must say I concur with the majority. This is a pair of high quality running shoes that is light, comfortable, and durable. Even with it's lightweight structure, it provides plenty of support for you feet - ones able to run, walk, jump, whatever with ease. What more do you need in an everyday shoe?!

The only downfall that I experience was the fact that I hadn't broken them in sooner. Though I can't be for certain this won't happen again, even after they've been broken in. But whilst I was walking to my gym for my afternoon workout, the back started to rub against my ankle, causing it to break skin. Talk about putting a damper on my mood to workout. Granted I was wearing ankle socks at the time. So before these bad boys have been fully taught a lesson, I'll be sure to wear higher socks with these. And if you're wondering how I continued my workout with stinging ankles, just picture tissue sticking out the back of my socks... You can only imagine how awkward I looked like. Thank goodness no one else saw!

Remember: Just Do It


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