Friday, April 11, 2014

Mr. Tall and Intelligent Part 2

So I figured it's about time I updated you guys on Mr. Tall and Intelligent.

And let the record be known, I've had the flu for the past few days so human contact has been slim to none.

But after our rondevu last Saturday, it was already clear to me that I didn't want to continue whatever this is. I know, I know, I said I would give it a chance. Just because he wasn't well endowed doesn't mean he isn't a good guy. Even my girlfriends were egging me to continue this potential candidate. Though I've come to learn, the hard way might I add, that when my friends egg me on, I always end up regretting it...

I digress ...

He was persistent. He text me right as I got home and the following morning. And I don't know if you ladies are familiar with Seattle "men", texts on the following morning can sometimes seem quite uncommon. Hence the saying ONE night Stand, regardless if things went down or not. And quite honestly, if you guys weren't able to seal the deal that night, you're ego is on the line. So do you really want to test it again with a "Good Morning" text that will mostly get no response?!

Now, I'm not that mean. I played along. Which I think most of you would considered to be even worse, especially since I had already made up my mind that I didn't want to continue this. So, yes I was practically leading him on. But I know my limits; I know when to stop. Anyways, after making casual conversation, the inevitable happened. He asked me over for a nice, chill "movie" night.

**For those youngsters out there, if you don't already know. When a boy asks you over to "watch a movie", you should know going into the situation that you are most likely not going to watch a movie. It's really a code for come over and make out.

Now there's my limit. I know if I had agreed to over to go to his place, I would definitely be leading him onto something I clearly wasn't interested in. After avoiding the question a few times, I knew I had no where else to turn and I just had to go out and say what really needed to be said.

So ladies and gentleman, that was that. Nothing more than one night of weirdness that I don't know think I'll ever be able to forget. Things were good at the bar, where the mood was right and the lights were dim. But once you take it out of that environment, that's where it all stops and it gets too real. Even for me.


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