Laugh like there's no tomorrow

Life's way to short to waste it being unhappy. So look on the positive side and just laugh.

Downtown Seattle

I love Seattle because of the little treasures in their secret hide aways.

Class 14-16

You'll never forget your class number!

Best Crew Ever!

There's nothing like working with your classmates!

Sisters who laugh together

It's not enough that one sister is laughing, we need both of them to!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

New: Maybelline Volum' Express Pumped Up! Colossal Waterproof Mascara

Now it's no secret that I love me a new mascara. And to my surprise, Maybelline has done it again and come out with a new mascara for their Volum' Express line.

First things first, I normally don't go for a mascara with such a big brush. I've long accepted that I don't have big eyes so having a big brush only guarantees that mascara will get all over my eye area. But being the optimist that I am, I dropped this product in my basket and hoped for the best.

I usually judge a mascara after using it one time. But I've come to realize for every mascara, you don't really start seeing results after using it a few times. And boy am I impressed.

Not to my surprise, the more I use this mascara, the more I like it. It's definitely more of a lengthening mascara. However, it doesn't give you length like spidery legs where it looks fragile and can break any second.

On top of making my short lashes look a lot longer, it doesn't clump up on a girl. I'm the type that usually applies two coats of mascara, and even after so, it doesn't leave my lashes looking clumping and unappealing.

I really like this mascara and I totally recommend it to those that have short lashes like I do!

Looks like I found myself a new favorite!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Last Push

So now that I've blown my cover and told everyone that I have been secretly working on something, I find it only appropriate that I kind of update everyone on what's going on, without saying too much. 

Today, I'll be flying out to complete the last assessment that will be the deciding factor of whether or not I get this! Yeah, no pressure. 

You would think someone that's traveled as much as I have, done as much assessments as I have, I wouldn't get nervous anymore. But quite the opposite. I feel the more I do this, the more nervous I get from time to time. Maybe because I have expectations of myself now. I know what performing well is; being able to leave the room knowing everything went smoothly is way better than questioning every occurrence that happened on your flight back home. 

And quite frankly the worst part is the wait. You know you've done everything to the best of your ability, it's all out of your hands now. Now, all you can do is wait


Accompanying me on this flight is the lovely Seattle rain. Even waiting to board to making me crazy, and might I add, hungry! Ha ironic because I usually have weird stomach issues when I get nervous. 

Okay, now I'm just blabbering. 

Thankfully, I'm flying in the day before of my actually assessment day so I can better prepare myself. Now if only I can jump on my flight and get the ball rolling!

Wish me luck!

Monday, April 14, 2014

If It's Meant To Be, Then It'll Be

For the past few months, I have been working really hard to make one of my dreams become a reality. However, only those that I live with know exactly what I'm talking about and the extent of what's going on and how far I've come.

No, I'm not one of those people that likes secrets or hiding things from people. I mean, I have a blog and YouTube for God's sake! So keeping this all in has been anything but easy. But in this particular instance, I've come so far to have anything jinx it. And to top it off, I want it so bad that I don't want to take any chances; as much as I want to share everything with the people I love.

But then I got to thinking, I truly believe that our lives are predestined; at least the big things that happen to us are somewhat predestined. Who you will marry, how many kids you'll have, just to name a few. So whether it's a bump in the road to help you get back on your original path (a blessing in disguise), or the sign you needed to give you that last push; these things were all meant to happen.

So if this thing that I'm currently working on is meant to be, destined to happen, telling a few extra people so that I can share this happy experience in my life wouldn't hurt it right?! And if I am the true believer in destined life as I say I am, why would the idea of jinxes stop me from telling people, about anything?

Just like the Chinese tradition, you're not supposed to tell anyone about your pregnancy until you're 3 months pregnant. Otherwise you might scare the baby and it will go away (causing a miscarriage). Come on, what kind of crazy idea is that?! How is telling others about just joyful news scare a fetus away?

Why do we let these crazy superstitions play a role in our lives, even a little one... Could it be that we need excuses and explanations to help justify when things don't go as planned? Because I know for sure when good things happen to us, things that we want to happen, we don't say "This happened because I didn't open my mouth prematurely!" So then why when things go astray, we often times think back on what we could have done wrong. With the following statement usually going like, "I knew I shouldn't have [insert excuse]."

Life is about chances, opportunities, and things that are meant to be. And as comforting as it is to have some sort of explanation, even if it's something you're conjuring up in your mind, to help us get over things that don't pan out. That shouldn't be the same reason we scare ourselves into not sharing. If you have great news that you want to share, share it. If you got a call back and you want to tell all your girlfriends, tell all your girlfriends! And if bad luck struck and whatever you wanted didn't turn out the way you wished, I can guarantee it isn't because you said something to someone.

But to air on the safe side, I'm not telling anyone until I get the official green light. ;)


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring in Seattle

Without a doubt, Seattle has to be the most beautiful during Spring. The sun's finally out, even for a little bit, and all the kids are outside playing, and the flowers are all in bloom.

I can honestly say, there is no place like Seattle in the Spring. The view is breathtaking and just stepping outside makes your day better. And since today is finally the weekend, we decided to take a trip up to West Seattle and enjoy the ocean breeze and have a little ice cream.

You should check out my Instagram to see the video I recorded while driving along the ocean view. It's to die for. Now if only I can just live there ... a girl can dream, right!?

My bathroom counter has x343209 products... It's a problem, I know.

Peace & Love

Ice cream makes everything okay.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Flashback Friday: What's Your Number

As I was scrolling through my movie collection, one jumped out at me. It was practically screaming for me to play it. And when a movie is screaming at me, I just can't say no so I put the shinny disk into my DVD player and pressed play.

What's Your Number was in my opinion a really cute movie. Don't get me wrong, I could have a biased opinion in that I love both the leading characters, Chris Evans and Anna Faris. But I thought the story line was very befitting for people my age in today's age.

In fear of raising her number and wasting more time, Ally Darling desperately contacts her past 20 lovers in order to try and rekindle what might be left of their relationship, or one night stand. (This clearly seems to be the topic on my mind lately.) Hoping she'll be able to find Mr. Right in one of these men; and to her surprise she does, just where she least expected. 

People around the age of 25-30 are constantly on the look for The One. Regardless if they are doing it consciously or not. If you're not in a relationship, you looking for someone to be in a relationship with. And if you are in a relationship, you are trying to see if that person is the person you can spend the rest of your life with. And when either parties wants out, you start the cycle again. But how many relationships does one need to go through before they find The One. And honestly, that's like asking how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Now an even scarier question, how many past lovers is considered too much? And do guys really care?!

Honestly, I really enjoyed this movie. I found it to be funny, adorable, and stress-free laughter But of course, because this is still a movie, Chris Evans turns out to be the great guy that's also great looking! Which, let's be honest, doesn't happen very often in real life. If you get a chance, I would check out this movie. I think it's one of those movies that can bright up your mood. So if you're having a bad day, give this a chance and see how it makes you feel.


Mr. Tall and Intelligent Part 2

So I figured it's about time I updated you guys on Mr. Tall and Intelligent.

And let the record be known, I've had the flu for the past few days so human contact has been slim to none.

But after our rondevu last Saturday, it was already clear to me that I didn't want to continue whatever this is. I know, I know, I said I would give it a chance. Just because he wasn't well endowed doesn't mean he isn't a good guy. Even my girlfriends were egging me to continue this potential candidate. Though I've come to learn, the hard way might I add, that when my friends egg me on, I always end up regretting it...

I digress ...

He was persistent. He text me right as I got home and the following morning. And I don't know if you ladies are familiar with Seattle "men", texts on the following morning can sometimes seem quite uncommon. Hence the saying ONE night Stand, regardless if things went down or not. And quite honestly, if you guys weren't able to seal the deal that night, you're ego is on the line. So do you really want to test it again with a "Good Morning" text that will mostly get no response?!

Now, I'm not that mean. I played along. Which I think most of you would considered to be even worse, especially since I had already made up my mind that I didn't want to continue this. So, yes I was practically leading him on. But I know my limits; I know when to stop. Anyways, after making casual conversation, the inevitable happened. He asked me over for a nice, chill "movie" night.

**For those youngsters out there, if you don't already know. When a boy asks you over to "watch a movie", you should know going into the situation that you are most likely not going to watch a movie. It's really a code for come over and make out.

Now there's my limit. I know if I had agreed to over to go to his place, I would definitely be leading him onto something I clearly wasn't interested in. After avoiding the question a few times, I knew I had no where else to turn and I just had to go out and say what really needed to be said.

So ladies and gentleman, that was that. Nothing more than one night of weirdness that I don't know think I'll ever be able to forget. Things were good at the bar, where the mood was right and the lights were dim. But once you take it out of that environment, that's where it all stops and it gets too real. Even for me.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Technique Matters

Do you guys remember the episode of Sex and The City where Samantha, the sex expert, "settling" for a man, James, who was less than under-endowed down south? For a woman who is as obsessed with sex as Samantha is, it's hard to imagine her putting up with something like this, especially since now that she isn't even able to enjoy sex. Her favorite past time.

Let's fast forward to today...

Tonight's Friday and me and my girls are ready to paint the town red. But let's be honest, I don't have a real 9-5 job right now so everyday is Friday to me. Regardless, tonight's the night all us girls, coincidentally the 4 of us, go out and get ready to mingle. Especially since one of us is newly single.

After a few drinks, I met a guy, who we shall call Tall and Intelligent. On the surface he seems perfect, at least as perfect one can get when meeting people at bars. After a few more drinks and a night of fun and casual conversation, the bar was ready to close and we're ready to plan the rest of our night.

Once we arrive at his apartment, the usual itinerary for a Friday night unfold. Walking in, short tour, making out, and make out walk to his room follows. By looking at him, you'll never guess that he is yet another James. Yes, you guessed it! He was not blessed with a proportionate sized piece of equipment. Which, honestly was really unfortunate! He's cute, charming, a great kisser... So what happened?! Which brings me to question, do you "settle" for what could turn into a real relationship?

We've heard, once, twice, and maybe even three times, that size matters. But does it really? If he is able to handle his package the same way and with the same technique as the guy next to time, size really doesn't matter than, right?!

As for me, I couldn't take it... I knew I had to get out of this situation as soon as possible, without hurting his ego. Which, let me tell you, is hard to do. But now, thinking back on the night, I could have made a mistake and should reconsider Tall and Intelligent, even if he isn't the largest carrot in the bunch. And even right as I type, he's texting me...

So now, as I sit in my room, watching a romantic comedy, I wonder to myself, should I continue to talk to him. Even after knowing what's behind the clothes.

To Be Continued...

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